Sunday, May 05, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

1. The Reward for Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah (9th of Dhul Hijjah)

Assalamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Recent Hadith Answers

Here are two of the latest answers from Feel free to practice and share with others.

1. The Reward for Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah (9th of Dhul Hijjah)


Is it true that fasting on the day of ‘Arafah (the 9th of Dhul Hijjah) expiates two years of sins?


Yes, this is indeed true. Imam Muslim (rahimahullah) has recorded a narration which discusses the virtues of specific fasts. The following words appear in this narration:

“…Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was asked regarding fasting on the day of ‘Arafah. He replied, “[Fasting on that day will] expiate the sins of the past and future year…”

(Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1162)

The above Hadith, as well as other Hadiths of similar nature, refers to minor sins. A person will have to make sincere tawbah for his major sins to be forgiven.

(Refer: Al Minhaj of Imam Nawawi, under Hadith: 2738)

See here for other virtues and deeds for this blessed day.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar


2. Another virtue of the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah


Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said, ‘There are no days more preferred by Allah, nor days in which actions are more beloved to Allah the Mighty and Majestic than these ten days (i.e. of Dhul Hijjah) - so abundantly say ‘La ilaha illa Allah’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’, and make abundant dhikr. Verily, fasting one of its days is equal to fasting a year, and actions are multiplied 700-fold during them.”


Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) recorded this Hadith in his Shu’abul Iman, Hadith: 3481.

Although Hafiz ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) has pointed out a weak narrator in the chain, ‘Allamah Mundhiri (rahimahullah) has sort to justify the narration.

Nevertheless, the Hadith is still suitable to quote, despite its slight weakness.

(Fathul Bari, Hadith: 969 and Targhib, Hadith: 1729)

The huge rewards for deeds on these days are further emphasised by Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu’anhu) who said:

‘It used to be said [by the Sahabah] that every day of the ten days [of Dhul Hijjah] is equal to a thousand days, and the day of ‘Arafah is equal to ten thousand days.’ i.e, in virtue

(Shu’abul Iman, Hadith: 3488. Allamah Mundhiri (rahimahullah) declared the chain as sound (la ba-sa bihi)

(Targhib, Hadith: 1730)

Also see here.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows best,

Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

Checked by: Moulana Haroon Abasoomar

See here for our latest answers

Featured Answers

The Virtue of Qurbani/Udhiyah


What is the authenticity of the following Hadiths:

1) There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Qiyamah with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed on a person's good deeds). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.

2) Sayyiduna Zayd ibn Arqam (radiyallahu ‘anhu) relates that the Companions asked,

‘O Messenger of Allah! What is Udhiyah?’ He replied, ‘It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (‘alayhis salam).’ They asked again, ‘What benefit do we get from it?’ He answered, ‘A reward for every hair (of the sacrificed animal).’ ‘And [what reward is there for animals with] wool, O Messenger of Allah?’ they asked. ‘A reward’, he said, ‘for every fibre of the wool.’

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Wassalamu'alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh


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