Saturday, May 04, 2024
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatahu

7 Bad Habits You Didn’t Know Were Bad (Until Now)

7 Bad Habits You Didn’t Know Were Bad (Until Now)                        

We all have different habits, good ones and probably bad ones too. Some of the habits are known to us, while some are latent and at a subconscious level.It’s time to look into the mirror and see which of habits you have and how can you work around them.1. False kindnessToday hardly anyone will give you an honest criticism. People like to appear to be kind, but internally, they do have a different assessment of you.Think like this way: People are walking on eggshells. They are trying to avoid difficult conversations and just provide superficial positive feedback which feels more like participation trophies.So, you need to give honest feedback to the people who trust you. Similarly, create an inner circle that will give be absolutely transparent in giving constructive criticism.2. Disguising procrastination as learningNormally, in the name of learning, people tend to delay the given task, citing extensive research, learning, and exploring. But they are not doing the actual work.So en vez de of using “learning” as your shield, try to start the task at your hand and you will see that learning will happen naturally.3. No space for self-reflectionWe are a society that spends more time on social media and very less time on listening to our thoughts and ideas.Social media is an ocean of distraction, which drains your energy and intellectual capacity. With lot of things going on, your mind really cannot focus and at the end there is not enough power left to think deeply on your ideas.Try doing a social media detox for 24 hours, and you will witness the difference yourself.4. Being a Yes-ManWhether it is to take up a new project or going to social gatherings, saying “Yes” to things you don’t have time for will lead to burnout.Instead, prioritize things, and then decide which ones are to be done and which ones can be avoided. This way you will maintain a balance in your life, and your mind will be at peace, and your body will be in an optimum state.In the words of Mark Manson,If it’s not a ‘F*** yes,’It’s a ‘No’.5. Never being aloneSociety has programmed us to think it is weird to do things alone.It is not completely true, and it is not completely wrong either.The catch here is, if you are not comfortable being alone, you will never be comfortable leaving toxic relationships.There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.Lonely is a state or feeling of being abandoned, isolated and separated. It is a negative emotion.While being alone is about being in your own company, and enjoying solitude.Always remember:A person who is happy alone, is a powerful person.6. PerfectionismPerfectionism is more curse, less blessing.The #1 factor that influences creative success is volume produced.Use the 70–20–10 rule:70% of your work will suck20% will be average10% will be amazingSo, instead of trying to be perfect, try putting efforts in creating more. This way you will improvise naturally, and in the process, you will create a gem or a masterpiece that the world will admire forever.7. Trying to be good at everythingNormalize “I don’t know anything about that” as a successful answer.Believe it or not, It is wildly confident.Plus, the most successful people on earth are walking flaws.You will never be an expert on ONE thing if you try being an expert on EVERY thing.Quit trying to be good at everything that you get across, and focus on few important things that you like, you are good at and give your 100% to be the best at it.The world respects the specialists and not the generalists.Final ThoughtsKnowingly or unknowingly we all fall prey to some or the other of these habits. Try to spend some time, preferably alone first, and see what all your habits are within you. You can ask your life partner, or your parents or your best friend about this too. They would know some things that you may be unaware of.Start being more conscious about these habits, and gradually try to avoid them, and eventually, you will witness that you have gotten rid of them.234
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