Health News: Two Interesting Revelations

Healthy News:

1) How to Reduce Stress with the SPARKLE Formula


  • Your bed is for sleeping, reading and intimacy.
  • When your head hits the pillow, it’s time to sleep, not think
  • Your bed should NOT be for: watching television, keeping your accounts, planning the next day, arguing with your spouse, checking your e-mail, or making phone calls, or chatting on what apps or BB's.
  • When in bed, books are OK, tabs, laptops and mobiles are not.


  • Create a to-do list every morning.
  • This gives you
  • a) a roadmap of what you need to do at the beginning of the day,
  • b) a reminder of what still needs to be done throughout the day and
  • c) a place to check off your accomplishments at the end of the day.


  • Recognize the false assumptions you make that lead to anxiety.
  • Will things really turn out to be as bad as you think? Probably not.
  • When you look to the future, visualize success rather than failure.
  • After all, you really don’t know which it will be. So why not expect the best?


  • Breath deeply when you feel stressed. Get up and change your environment, if only for a short time.
  • Go for a walk at lunch.
  • Relaxation means taking a break from what you were doing, not just “vegging out.”
  • For instance, watching televisionisn'talways relaxing; it can be dumbing and dulling. Find activities that calm your body and stimulate your mind.
  • Create a time for your own kind of meditation.
  • Find a quiet space and a quiet time that’s just for you.


  • Be empathetic and forgiving to others when they make mistakes. Like you, they’re trying to do their best.
  • Learn to give constructive feedback rather than destructive criticism.
  • When someone makes you angry, remember that you have a choice in how you react. Instead of yelling at that bad driver who cut you off, do a running play-by-play on his erratic driving techniques. It’s more fun.


  • Use positive affirmations to keep yourself on track.
  • Affirmations should use the 4 P’s; personal, positive, passionate and present. For instance, “I am a confident and successful manager who always runs an amazing team.”
  • Find time to share a joke. Laugh at the curves life throws at you rather than fretting over them.


    • Your body needs to be a well-tuned machine to manage all of the stresses that act on it.
    • Avoid eating packaged snacks – anything that comes in a wrapper or plastic bag. Try natural fruit instead.
    • Add more colored vegetables to your meals.
    • Reduce caffeine in your diet. It’s a stimulant and can exacerbate physical symptoms of stress that you may already have. Choose water instead.
    • Avoid the escalator or elevator and take the stairs.
    • Find opportunities to go for a walk. Ideally, get exercise that causes you to sweat for twenty minutes at least three times per week.


2) Goodbye Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides. A secret revealed ...  Some years ago, a former professor of mine showed me a blood test, what I saw impressed me.  The five key blood parameters, ie urea, cholesterol, blood glucose, lipids and triglycerides had values which far exceeded permitted levels.

  • Commented that the person with those in dices should already be dead or, if alive, this would be just out of stubbornness.  The teacher then showed the name of the patient who until then had been hidden by his hand. The patient was himself!
  •  I was dumbfounded! And I said: "But how? And what did you do?".
    With a smile he introduced me to another sheet analysis, saying: "Now, look at this, compare the values of the parameters and see the dates.  "That's what I did. The parameter values were clearly within the recommended range, the blood was perfect, flawless, but the surprise increased when I looked dates, the difference was only a month (between the two analysis of the same person)!
     I asked: "How could it? This is literally a miracle!"
  • Calmly, he replied that the miracle was due to her doctor, who suggested treatment obtained from another doctor friend. This treatment has been used by me, several times, with impressive results.  Approximately once a year, does analysis of my blood, and if either is present tendency to breakdown, return immediately to repeat this process. I suggest that you try.
  • Here's the SECRET: weekly for 4 weeks, buy at the fair or supermarket, pumpkin pieces. Should not be the pumpkin squash and pumpkin rather large, which is usually used to make candy. Daily, peel 100 grams of pumpkin, place the pieces in a blender (raw), along with water (WATER ONLY!), And mix well, making a vitamin pumpkin with water.

  • Take this vitamin fasting, 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Do this for a month, every time your blood needs to be corrected.
    Can control the outcome, making analysis before and after treatment with other pumpkin. According to the doctor, there is no contraindication; because it is just a natural vegetable and water (do not use sugar!). The teacher, excellent chemical engineer, studied the pumpkin to know which of the active ingredients it contains and concluded, at least partially, that it is present in a solvent of low molecular weight cholesterol: cholesterol more harmful and dangerous - LDL.  During the first week, urine has a large amount of LDL (low molecular weight), which results in cleaning of arteries, including the brain, thereby increasing the person's memory.


Wishing u a really healthy Life, INSHA ALLAH